302 Interactive CEO's Metaverse ideas take center stage at Tampa's Synapse
marcosantana77 • March 1, 2022

"It's not about bringing dragons into the world ... it's about having our technology in a more natural setting." -Kyle Morrand, CEO and Co-Founder of 302 Interactive


                                                                                                                -An Assassin and a Robot at Synapse?!

Considering Kathy Hackl was one of the highest profile keynote speakers at
Synapse in Tampa last month, it seemed odd that only one session other than Hackl’s touched on the Metaverse.
Of course, there are only so many microphones available in a one-day summit.
Still, to have 302 Interactive CEO Kyle Morrand on a panel that also included ACCENTURE’s global digital experiences lead Jason Warnke and the head of network at Metacity Joe Hamilton was a win.
So what did Kyle say about this emerging digital world known as the Metaverse? He’s ready for it.
“It’s not about bringing dragons into the world or whales popping up out of the floor or anything like that,” he said, bringing to mind the huge imagination leap that Magic Leap brought to the world years ago. “It’s having our technology in a more natural experience.”
That he said it was a big deal because we all know the unabashed (or, perhaps, unhinged?) enthusiasts out there trying to make their name in technology by advocating for any new thing.

The Metaverse happens to be the newest.
To be clear, I’m bullish on the Metaverse; it will exist in some form eventually.
However, there are those who are trying to either rush it or put the responsibility of its creation on one social media giant.
I prefer Kyle’s approach.
During the Synapse panel, he and fellow panelists were asked a handful of questions, which ranged from more technical inquiries from fellow enthusiasts to some basic ones from people who seemed genuinely interested in learning more.
The vast possibility out there of things that are not possible today vs. what’s going to be possible in the Metaverse I feel is where to go when you talk about this. 

No, as Kyle said, you can’t hug in the Metaverse (yet!).
But adventuring with friends or others who happen to live in Japan or Canada, that’s the real possibility we see coming toward us. And, remember, we’re only on Step 1 in our imagination.
“Rather than trying to rebuild the physical space digitally, you want to focus on what can’t you do physically that you can do in a digital world,” Kyle said.
That’s exactly it, right?
It’s not hard to find detractors or those who think the Metaverse will be a fad (never forget that they once thought that of the Internet).
However, dig through that noise and you will clearly see that this shared virtual world could do wonders for so many industries beyond just gaming.
Take a trip in the virtual world to see how public infrastructure deteriorates over time, for instance.
Or maybe your classroom wants to visit a Metaverse-based Amazon jungle to see how environmental changes will affect it. The beauty is in the discovery.
“Explore virtual worlds and get your hands dirty in building digital spaces,” Morrand said.
Agreed. Happy exploring!

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